Category: Azure

Online Training Courses

Today Paul sent out the quarterly numbers to the team letting us know the hours our courses have been viewed during March. Being a data guy, I decided that after nearly 5 years of having courses available, I should crunch some numbers. I currently have 4 courses available. SQL Server: Consolidation Tactics and Best Practices […]

Updated Default Settings for Azure SQL Managed Instance Databases

A common saying about Azure is that it is always changing. This is a very accurate statement, want proof, just take a look at Microsoft Build 2020. Microsoft is always improving the environment by adding new features, tweaking interfaces, tweaking features, and much more. I’ve been working with Managed Instance since private preview and just […]

Query Store for Azure PostgreSQL

Query Store is not just for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database anymore. Microsoft announced back in Oct 2018 that Query Store was available in Public Preview for PostgreSQL. How cool is that! As Microsoft continues to expand the Azure Data Platform with including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others, features that we know and love […]

New vCore Compute Levels for Azure SQL Database and Elastic Pools

Additional vCore-based elastic pools and single databases have been expanded for the general purpose, business critical, and hyperscale service tiers. This provides customers with more flexibility and options when migrating DTU-based deployments and right-sizing workloads for the cloud. Azure SQL Database, Elastic Pools, and Hyperscale have two processor types to select from. Gen 4 offers […]

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance Business Critical Tier Now Available

The business critical tier for Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is now available. Customers needing a higher level of high availability and disk performance now have the supported option of the business critical tier. The business critical tier provides customers with three secondary copies of their instance. Two are non-readable and the third provides a […]

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

As of October 2018, Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is now generally available in the general purpose tier. Business Critical should be available in the near future. The general purpose tier of Managed Instance being available will now allow businesses to do proof of concepts and be able to elevate those environments to production knowing […]