For a lot of us data professional types, this seems like a silly topic, however I constantly hear of companies that aren’t testing their backups by restoring them, or don’t have proper backups at all.
Wednesday March 13th 2024 I had the honor of speaking at the Redgate Summit in Atlanta and got to meet a lot of new people and get to hang out with several good friends. I’ll be posting about that in a few days. A small group of us went out for dinner after the event […]
There Is Insufficient Free Space on Disk Volume To Create the Database
I have been involved in countless database migrations. Most of the time I have access to the existing source servers and future destination servers. In cases where you have access to both environments, it is very easy to evaluate and clean up any issues with the source databases. In situations where you are only provided […]
Getting Started With SQL Server Always Encrypted
Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2016 introduced a new security feature for SQL Server databases called Always Encrypted. Always Encrypted is a feature designed to protect sensitive data, such as national/regional identification numbers (Social Security numbers for those in the USA), credit card numbers, and other highly sensitive types of data. Always Encrypted allows […]
Careful When Changing SQL Server Database File Extensions
I recently had a friend reach out to me about database performance dropping drastically. I asked if anything had changed recently on the server, and they told me that all they had done was increase the number of files for tempdb from 1 to 8 per best practice. Knowing that this shouldn’t have a negative impact […]
Dynamic Data Masking – SQL Server
Use Dynamic Data Masking to protect your data
SQL Server Recovery Models
When I review customers database environments, I always check to see what the recovery model is for their databases and review that with the customer. I often times have to explain the three recovery models and what they are used for. Simple, Full, and Bulk-Logged. The recovery model that you select will determine how transaction […]
What is Azure SQL
I get asked about Azure SQL very often. This is a topic that I’ve written about and taught many times. To be honest, this is a rather large topic that can go in many different directions. For this post, I want to cover what I consider the basics of Azure SQL. For me, that is […]