Category: Backups/Recovery

There Is Insufficient Free Space on Disk Volume To Create the Database

I have been involved in countless database migrations. Most of the time I have access to the existing source servers and future destination servers. In cases where you have access to both environments, it is very easy to evaluate and clean up any issues with the source databases. In situations where you are only provided […]

Careful When Changing SQL Server Database File Extensions

I recently had a friend reach out to me about database performance dropping drastically. I asked if anything had changed recently on the server, and they told me that all they had done was increase the number of files for tempdb from 1 to 8 per best practice. Knowing that this shouldn’t have a negative impact […]

SQL Server Recovery Models

When I review customers database environments, I always check to see what the recovery model is for their databases and review that with the customer. I often times have to explain the three recovery models and what they are used for. Simple, Full, and Bulk-Logged. The recovery model that you select will determine how transaction […]

Reasons Why SQL Servers Don’t Get Configured to Industry Best Practices

Throughout my career, I’ve worked on a LOT of different SQL Servers. Many that were installed and configured by application administrators, developers, vendors, and data professionals. I’ve seen servers with straight defaults and others with various industry accepted best practices applied. One of my favorite sessions I present is “Common SQL Server Mistakes and How […]