A new feature has been added to SQL Saturday. Now when you register for an event you can build your schedule on the website. I used it tonight to build my schedule for SQL Saturday 81. This will be a huge help for attendees in preparing for their big day of SQL learning. Great job […]
Preparing for #sqlsat81
SQL Saturday 81 is coming up this weekend in Birmingham AL. This will be my 5th SQL Saturday to speak at. So far I have spoken in Tampa FL, Columbia SC, Jacksonville FL and Pensacola FL. I still get nervous getting up in front of some many people to speak, but at least I am […]
What is the hardest part of planning a SQL Saturday?
For me so far it has been the speaker selection. Getting sponsors didn’t prove to be difficult, we have a great market being we are Atlanta GA. Locating a venue to hold the event presented a few challenges but again we are a large area so there are several venue to chose from but boy […]
Get count of folders using Power Shell
More on my recent PowerShell project. I recon I have taken on the challenge to handle this entire request using Posh. It started out just moving folders based on the folder name that included the date in format MMDDYY. Next was having to stop services before moving the folders. After that came a request to […]
Starting and Stopping a Remote Service with PowerShell
A recent project I was working on required me to move folders from a staging location to a processing location. I found that PowerShell was the easiest way to accomplish that. After getting that part of the project working a new requirement came up. In order to move the folders I needed to stop an […]
My first PowerShell Script to Move Folders
I just had my first encounter with having to write a PowerShell script. The request seemed pretty harmless when I originally got it. The request was much like others I had gotten in the past where I needed to check to make sure that data had been loaded and kick off another process. In the […]
SQL Saturday 89 Pre-Con
Why am I attending Kevin Kline’s pre-con on “Troubleshooting & Performance Tuning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2” at SQL Saturday #89 in Atlanta on September 16th? For starters I am a production DBA. Sure I create SSRS reports and build ETL processes with SSIS and the like, but at the end of the day I […]
Listing Stored Procedures From Every Database
Recently I answered a question on AskSSC that I thought I would create a quick blog about. Someone had asked if there was an easy way to run SELECT * FROM SYS.PROCEDURES on every database. I immediately thought of the undocumented stored procedure sp_msforeachdb. I posted a response and gave a bit of advise to […]