On June 8th we announced SQL Saturday 89. The call for speakers went out to all those who had submitted sessions at a previous SQL Saturday, an alert went out to sponsors and the event was live. Immediately emails started coming in, people started registering and sessions were being submitted. The event really took on […]
Getting Ahead and Getting Involved
I spend a little time on AskSSC (that is the question and answer section on http://www.sqlservercentral.com). Quite often the question “Where do I start learning more about SQL” will come up where someone has just taken on the role of DBA within his or her organization. Or possibly it is from someone who has been […]
SQL Saturday #89 Atlanta GA
The official launch of SQL Saturday #89 was June 8th. Within the first week of the launch we have registered over 100 attendees and have over 30 sessions submitted. We have been overwhelmed with the response. We have made a few updates to the Event Website The most import change has been to list links […]
Using “NOT IN” in a query can provide mixed results
The topic came up at work awhile back with using various includes/excludes such as IN, NOT IN, and EXISTS. A co-worker was working on an ETL process when he discovered that using “NOT IN” in a sub query with a data set that contained NULL values was giving him incorrect data. Lets take a look […]
Using an Excel Destination in SSIS with x64
My first real experience with SSIS began in late Feb of this year. I was upgrading a system from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 (app not yet supported on 2008). This time around I decided to do things the right way and migrate from DTS to SSIS not just import the DTS and execute legacy […]
SQL Saturday 74 – Jacksonville FL
I made a 700+ mile round trip down to Jacksonville FL where I was fortunate enough to get to speak about SQL Server. This was my third SQL Saturday to present at and my fifth SQL Saturday to attend. I should mention here that I am also now planning a SQL Saturday in Atlanta. At […]
SQL Community Support
I have blogged before about my appreciation for the SQL community mainly within the PASS organization as that is what I was most familiar with. I have been active with SQL Saturday, PASS Summit, and my local PASS Chapter for the past two years and have benefited greatly by the generosity of the SQL Community. […]
If you truly want to understand something try and change it.
I saw this quote on facebook last week and it really hit close to home. I had just started working on a request at work to produce a flat file from a database I support that was to replace a similar file being produced by another team. The other team was having to create a […]