SQL Server 2022 is Here!

SQL Server 2022 becoming generally available was announced on Nov 16th 2022. This is the most Azure-enabled release of SQL Server yet, which is pretty exciting. A major Azure-enabled feature is the ability to leverage Azure SQL Managed Instance for disaster recovery, which also means we can backup and restore from Azure SQL Managed Instance […]

How to Reset the SA Password When Locked Out

Getting locked out of a SQL Server instance can happen due to a number of situations. The most common scenario I’ve encountered is when a SQL Server is moved from one domain to another without the domain being trusted or having a local SQL admin account. I recently encountered another incident where a DBA was […]

SQL Server Backups

I’ve written many blog post and articles over the years about SQL Server backups and restore options. I am constantly amazed at how often I find databases that are not being properly backed up and are critical to the organizations that utilize them. Fortunately, as organizations move to cloud solutions, things are getting slightly better. […]

Online Training Courses

Today Paul sent out the quarterly numbers to the team letting us know the hours our courses have been viewed during March. Being a data guy, I decided that after nearly 5 years of having courses available, I should crunch some numbers. I currently have 4 courses available. SQL Server: Consolidation Tactics and Best Practices […]