Know Backups and Know Restores – SQL Server Restores

A couple of years ago I put together a training session to demonstrate various types of backups and restores. The driving factor behind me building this session was the response I got from talking to a dozen or so DBA’s about disaster recovery. I asked how many have ever performed a restore where you had to […]

The Primary Filegroup Cannot be Backed Up as a File Backup

File Group backups are great when working with very large databases (VLDB’s) that have been partitioned.  Typically when I come across File Group backups implemented in production the database is using the full recovery model. With the full recovery model you can specify individual file groups for backup. A very common backup strategy for VLDB’s […]

How to check for last SQL Server backup

As a database professional, I get asked to review the health of database environments very often. When I perform these reviews, one of the many checks I perform is reviewing backup history and making sure that the backup plans in place meet the requirements and service level agreements for the business. I have found a […]